Monday 19 June 2006

Neither nor

give me neither poverty nor riches;
feed me with the food that is needful for me,
lest I be full and deny you
and say, "Who is the LORD?"
or lest I be poor and steal
and profane the name of my God.
[Proverbs 30.8b-9]

This is a challenging prayer to pray in so many ways. It applies to generally every area. Am I willing to pray it as regards money, support, health, emotional stuff, comfort, being settled,...?

IFES Interaction people were saying that many ex-team members leave saying they'll come back, and then don't - some for good reason; most because they get too settled. So I was trying to pray that whatever God has in store for me in which to serve him, I wouldn't get too comfortably settled to move on. Trouble is, I know what God's used in the past to stop me getting comfortably settled, and I don't actually want that again. The fight to pray continues. And it's a fight for God's glory.

Don't give me too much comfort in anything,
lest I be full and deny you and say, "Who is the LORD?";
give me what I need, that grace for every situation in which you place me,
lest I be poor and seek comfort for myself that isn't mine to have,
and profane the name of my God.

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