Word Alive - a finished Word on a finished work: Hebrews in the student celebrations; my lovely Impact group girls thinking things through & having God's living word cut them open, show them Jesus, and so impact their lives, meeting with said girls for coffee, praying with students after the Celebrations, reviewing Questioning Evangelism in Starbooks with the lovely Linda Marshall, listening to Mike Reeves on the Church and Trinity, catching up with old uni friends, and last but not least catching up with Keith Getty and discovering he's just as cheeky as ever. Heading from Skegness to...
Warwick - the town, not the uni - for a friend's birthday meal. Realising at 9.30pm that it wasn't going to be possible to get the last (22:10) train back to Brum, being released from piano-playing duties for next morning's church service by texting Pastor, and staying over with said friend in Warwick - who enjoyed using her spare room in newly married house - a marvellous hostess :) Then it was to...
Leamington Spa - for the morning Good Friday service of my old church, whom I love dearly and who love me far more than I deserve. Enjoying being there 'unplanned' and the fact that I'll be back next weekend. Also enjoying sharing the newwordaliveevent news with Bill & Sharon James, who are appropriately thrilled that we'll have such a good event: clear of false teachers, and rejoicing in the truth that Christ himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God. Then it was back to...
Bournville - for our afternoon evangelistic Good Friday service on a local estate in which we've been doing outreach. This I had to play for, and given my dubious skill on the piano and that it was merely a keyboard I had (and without my best friend - the sustain pedal), we did ok - I enjoyed knowing the words to the songs so sang loudly to cover any duff notes. Then it was back to...
Friends from church for a chat until the time surprised us by approaching 8pm and I walked home before it got dark. Thereby walking home in a lovely summer-like evening sunset, partly through a park. Ahhh. Now it's...
Fish for dinner, not because it's Good Friday, but because I felt like it. With thanksgiving. And then...
I'm on holiday for a week, though still in Brum, Leam, Cov, etc. Byeeee!
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
3 hours ago
1 comment:
You're not ginger!
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