Tuesday, 23 September 2008

It's not child's play


Dave K said...

I like it.

Anonymous said...

I've got that plane! I've got that plane! (Well, the kids have). That's a neat lot of playmobil - and a good video - I'm going to try to get hold of it for our missions prayer meeting on UCCF/IFES.

étrangère said...

Haha, brilliant. If you haven't got wireless in the prayer meeting venue to show it from the website, then your local CUSW should be able to lend you a CD of it.

Anonymous said...

What's with the California Church? Sounds funky!

Anonymous said...

They have CUs in Greenland? Cool!!

étrangère said...

I dunno Matt: you think funky, I think dodgy ;-) Potaeto, potahto.

As for CUs in Greenland, as New Zealand and neighbouring islands are cut off the map, I wouldn't wager much on the geographical accuracy of the placement of the playmobile men.