Sunday, 19 February 2006

Busily lazy?

C.J.Mahaney writes,
...disparity in gifting is no excuse for the absence of discipline in our lives. And where there is a neglect of reading in the life of the pastor, there is often the presence of laziness and pride. I don't doubt that you are busy and that your to-do list appears endless. But it is possible to be very busy and yet very lazy, because we aren't busy doing that which is most important. There is a difference between busyness and effectiveness. The real question is: are you busy with various responsibilities of secondary importance, or are you attending each day to that which is most important?
I've often caught myself being busy in practice and lazy in attitude and wondered at the state of my heart that can be so perverse. I wondered at my attitude towards work as I found myself consoling myself in being very busy preparing a seminar for the students here, on... a Biblical Theology of Work & its implications. Ah, for an undivided heart, mind, soul and strength.

(PS. When I've turned the seminar into a comprehensive note form for the GBU website I'll post it here, though it's likely not to make it into an English translation. Praise God, the students seemed (as they studied, discussed and prayed) to be 'getting it' and said they found it helpful. Much of it based on seminars given a few years ago by Graham Beynon and Mike Partridge.)


KiwiChronicles said...

"Ça c'était l'exemple de la grâce le plus distillé que j'aie jamais fait l'expérience !"

étrangère said...

Thanks Andy, that did make me laugh!